Commenting on the HEFCE consultation published today, Alex Bols, Acting Chief Executive, GuildHE said:
“The HEFCE consultation provides an opportunity to consider how we continue to deliver high quality education to an increasingly diverse body of students over the next decade.
“GuildHE looks forward to a constructive debate about the fundamental principles of the quality assessment system and the proposals in more detail during the consultation and playing our role as one of the two formally recognised representative bodies as highlighted in the consultation.
“We are keen to emphasise the importance of a system that places the student learning experience at its heart whilst recognising the central role of institutional autonomy in delivering high quality education in innovative and engaging ways that maintain the strength-in-diversity of the HE sector.
“Institutions’ own quality processes are rigorous and robust but in a highly autonomous sector the ability to compare qualifications and academic standards across institutions requires a significant element of externality within the system which should be independent and co-regulated by institutions and based on the views of peers within a UK-wide framework covering all institutions.”
The consultation document and associated research reports are available here: